What is Lunisol Energia?

A few years ago, I experienced an awakening of my consciousness, and I was able to realize that we are all one, that the universe is so much bigger than we can imagine. And that is why we have a long journey to walk along.

The complications of everyday life and the thoughts that ran through my head, almost without control, took away my power to feel and see what and who I truly am.

It was in a very special Reiki session that I did a regression and remembered traumas from my childhood. So, I decided to look for therapies to connect with my true self. I deepened the search within myself, looking for a cure for addictions, repetitions and attitudes that weren’t as honorable as I wanted them to be. I was healing all the pain and all the doubts, always looking for my self-confidence.

Sandra Green

With a conscious awakening…

I was able to see the world and people differently. Other memories emerged and then I was able to remember how I was raised, always in search of the truth, where we came from and where we are going. Always following my mother’s quest, I walked through several religions and studied a lot and, with faith that God is something greater and that he always accompanied me, I knew that I was an individual part of a greater Whole.
The knowledge came easily to me with each studious journey that I concluded. Everything made much more sense. It was like a memory. A feeling of waking up from a bad dream and being able to reconnect with my purpose.
From my personal search, from my journey of healing and self-knowledge, the need arose to serve and bestow this knowledge on other people and offer a safe and loving space to facilitate your search with Love and Light. Aiming to bring awareness of your own power, so that you can strengthen yourself in your daily life and commit to your self-knowledge process, without fear, without doubts and clarity.
I feel able to share my personal search and offer a safe and loving space to facilitate with Love and Light the search for other people so that they do not feel alone in this journey, so that they can be supported as I was. My Conscious Awakening was not something I did alone, and I am very grateful to everyone who helped me transmute and transform my life into a better one.

Conscious Awakening through Energetic Balance

Dedication and constant study brought me to Lunisol Energia, which is a set of therapies and techniques that can collaborate with your inner quest bring you Energy Balance.

I was able to see that our daily lives, the complications of everyday life and the thoughts that ran through my head almost without control took away my power to feel and see what and who I truly am.

My goal at Lunisol is to help and guide people through energetic techniques so that they themselves can expand their consciousness, rescinding and unlocking beliefs, limitations, and dogmas, cutting, and releasing cords that hold us in this life and in others. So that then they can find their own power, strengthen themselves in their day-to-day life and commit themselves to their process of self-knowledge, without fear, and without doubt.

Lunisol Energia is a therapeutic space where I, Sandra Green, am an Integrative Therapist. Originally from Brazil, I have spent the last two decades living in Canada, where I worked for years in the Human Resources field, until I had a Conscious Awakening and was able to reconnect with my spiritual side.

Other memories emerged and then I was able to remember how I was raised, always in search of the truth, where we came from and where we are going. Always following in my mother's steps. I walked through various religions and studied a lot. And with faith that God is something greater that has always accompanied me, I have always been an individual part of a greater Whole.

The knowledge came easily to me, like a memory. A feeling of waking up from a bad dream and being able to reconnect with my purpose. Hence the need to serve others and share this knowledge in other people.

I feel able to share my personal quest and offer a safe and loving space to facilitate others' quests with Love and Light.

So that they don’t feel alone on this journey, so they can be supported like I was. My Consciensess Awakening was not something I did alone, and I am very grateful to everyone who helped me transmute and transform my life.


Dedication and constant study brought me to Lunisol Energia, which is a set of therapies and techniques that can collaborate with your inner quest bringing Energetic Banlance.