Intuitive Tarot ⋅ Reiki

Past Life Regression

Conscious Awakening and Self-Knowledge

Therapy is





Tarot Reader, Intuitive, Medium, Channeler


Lunisol Energia is a therapeutic space where I, Sandra Green, serve as an Intuitive Healer, Psychic reader, channeler, and vessel for bringing the frequency of healing. Originally from Brazil, I have spent the last two decades living in Canada, where I worked as an accountant for many years until a Conscious Awakening reconnected me with my spiritual side. I am a graduate in Apometry, Reiki Master, and certified in ThetaHealing®, among other healing modalities. Additionally, I hold a Professional Counselor degree in Canada.

The mission of Lunisol Energia is to help and guide individuals through energetic healing techniques, enabling them to expand their consciousness by rescinding and unlocking beliefs, limitations, and dogmas, and by cutting the cords that bind us in this life. These blockages may stem from this life, ancestral lineage, or past lives. My aim is for clients to rediscover their own power, strengthen themselves in their daily lives, and commit to their own healing and growth.

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A few years ago, I experienced an awakening of my consciousness and realized that we are all one, and that the universe is far greater than we can comprehend. This realization underscored the long journey we all have ahead of us.

The complications of everyday life and the uncontrolled thoughts running through my mind had robbed me of the power to feel and understand who I truly am.

It was during a very special Reiki session, in which I underwent a regression, that I recalled traumas from my childhood. This prompted me to seek out therapies to reconnect with my true self. I delved deep within, searching for healing from addictions and repetitive patterns. Through this journey, I healed my pain and doubts, consistently working to strengthen my self-confidence.

With a conscious awakening…

I began to see the world and people in a new light. More memories surfaced, and I recalled how I was raised—always in search of truth, pondering where we come from and where we are going. Following in my mother’s footsteps, I explored various religions and studied extensively, with a deep faith that God is something greater, always accompanying me. I knew I was an individual part of a greater Whole.

My journey of healing and personal growth reconnected me with my purpose. This led to the desire to serve and share this knowledge with others by offering a safe and loving space for healing with love and light. My goal is to help you become aware of your own power, so you can strengthen yourself in your daily life and commit to your growth process with clarity, free from fear and doubt.

Tarot Psychic Reading, Apometry, Reiki, Downsing, Past Life Regression, Energetic Healing, Psychotherapy Counselor.

“Begin Your Conscious Awakening”.

Healing through

Conscious Awakening

Healing is the awareness we bring into ourselves and understand that our body is just the “cocoon of our spirit”. (Massaharu Taniguchi)

This understanding gives us the ability to work energetically and activate our full potential for emotional, physical, mental, astral and spiritual healing.


Energy Orientation

My connection with the Tarot comes from my childhood; my mother loved to draw cards to receive intuitive guidance, treating them like a compass for her day. This taught me to trust the guidance in the messages.

I awakened my psychic abilities later in life, but once I did, it came naturally to me. I am aligned with my purpose and spiritually channel the information to give you the best possible reading. During a session, energy healing begins immediately, clearing your auric field to connect with the higher messages. After channeling the general messages through intuition and clairvoyance, we will delve deeper to discover what may be holding back your prosperity, relationships, or any situation that is not flowing well.

Intuitive Tarot is the powerful alignment of energies in which the tarot relates to the client’s higher self to transmit channeled messages.

Tarot is recommended if you feel like:

• no movement in life;
• unclear about which path to take;
• struggling to make progress;
• questioning your purpose in life;
• with traumas that prevent you from developing spiritually, in material life and in your prosperity.

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With the help of the Therapeutic Tarot, we can navigate the waters of our lives more safely and wisely. It allows us to get to know our emotions, giving us the expertise we need to overcome any situation.

In the past, Therapeutic Tarot was seen only as divination. However, it is a psychotherapeutic method that helps us understand our current life circumstances and identify what is blocking us. Our patterns of thought and behavior, which shape our lives, are often rooted in our past experiences and may no longer serve us.

Since Carl Jung, the Tarot has taken on the characteristics of a psychotherapeutic method, demonstrating the personal development of the human being through the hero’s journey via the 22 major arcanas. Tarot channelings reveal what may be hidden or overlooked—factors that limit or block our relationships, situations, or work. The messages offer clear guidance on how to evolve personally, leveraging finances and bringing new perspectives, empowering you to make decisions and choices that lead you down a happier, more hopeful, and lighter path.


In 2018, I began a spiritual therapy course, and when I’d enter a meditative state I accessed past lives. Yes, past lives and like a movie are clear and direct visions. From them, I learned that it is not necessary (but may be intriguing for some) to know the exact detail of what, when, and where events took place. What does in fact matter is breaking the repetitive cycles still found in our present.

The Timeline examines our life in an expanded manner. I am a starting point from which the timeline takes us into the past so that we can see the experiences and consciousnesses that influence us now.  These consciousnesses and experiences are connected to our being through cords, threads, and strings that are invisible to our eyes. Once we recognize and bring harmony to these, we become lighter beings with less density.

Moreover, it is from your being at the initial point that we can make the connection with the line of the future so we can rid ourselves of anxiety, since it is common to overthink about the future instead of being in the present. Thus, when we are taken into the future we are shown many varied possibilities of experiences, therefore bringing awareness that decisions can be changed or made flexible so that you are at peace with your choices today.

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The timeline takes us through remote viewing and unfolding to access these different lives and clear and dissolve ties, pacts, contracts, and agreements made in previous and future lives.

It requires the application of laws such as the Law of Love, the Law of Apometry, Hermetic Laws, and the Law of Infinity. This application reverberates through the dimensional layers and thus loosens the client’s bonds on all levels. Spiritual teams are present to indoctrinate and guide the consciousnesses and subconsciousness’s that arise during this beautiful process, which is done with love and compassion in order to bring forgiveness to ourselves and the people around us.

When we start to look at the past and review a little of our history in relation to the facts of universal history, we remember that we weren’t always the best versions of ourselves because we have made many mistakes, and that this awareness brings us to a choice to evolve. This therapy is always followed by chakra alignment.

Chakra frontal


It is a treatment for issues that have been identified and needs to be cleared. It delves into the origins from childhood or past lives that influence us in the present moment.

By examining past life or inner child issues that cause pain, suffering, and trauma, we realize what is truly influencing us now. Repeated patterns, lack of progress in life, sadness, fear, phobias, and insecurities can all be attached to influences from the past.

Once these resonances from the past are cleared and liberated, it allows us to see ourselves with kindness and as our true, pure essence. Often, it’s about relationships with parents, children, and even friendships that get stuck.

Past life regression clears energetic fields, leading us to a lighter, more joyful present moment. It creates movement in life and opens up new opportunities.

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In a hypnotic state, led by a specialized therapist, the person goes back to where the problems began and, with permission and compassion, breaks agreements. With the energy of forgiveness, they begin to dissolve cords and ropes, and the belief system starts to dissolve.

It is important to understand that this technique requires follow-up and integration. You shouldn’t do it out of curiosity. It’s important to be aware of the goal.

chakra laríngeo


Reiki is a Japanese technique for consciously aligning one’s energy with cosmic energy and the teachings of Master Usui. It starts from the physical body and expands to the mental and emotional levels, aiming to cleanse, unblock, and harmonize the energy fields.

The name Reiki is derived from two Japanese words, REI – which means “universal” and KI – which refers to the “life force energy”, which flows through all living beings and which a Reiki session harmonizes, bringing clarity and awareness.

Chakra frontal


ThetaHealing®: Connection with the Theta Wave and The Creator of all There Is that brings resignifying of our believes and limitations that we carry inside us.

It is a deep work done with love and kindness where we identify the root of these thoughts and traumas. This way we reframe all in a highest and more connected with who we are.

Thetahealing bring to us teaching and learning throughout all discovers that we make about ourselves. Allowing us to live a joyful and lighter life.

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Dowsing is a science that aims to measure and detect energy fields through the use of instruments. It is a science by which a trained person becomes sensitive to any type of radiation or vibratory frequency.

This ability to measure energy occurs in a supra-sensory way. Dowsing is sensitivity, it is perception. Its term comes from the Latin, radius = radiation from the Greek aeshtesis = sensitivity. With Dowsing we can measure external and internal energy, as well as balance and harmonize situations and individuals.

The Dowser can capture and identify energies. And with the use of Radiesthesia Graphs and geometric shapes, it can emit energies, transmitting energies that can align the entire vibratory field of people and things like home, work environment, etc.

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It’s time to be heard! Visit Life Energia website and learn more about Psychotherapy and Life Coach:


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Meditation  |  Herbs and Plants  |  Incense

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Meditation – Energetic Connetion

Meditation is one of the most recognized paths to mental health. Being present in the moment takes us away from anxiety about the future and feelings of sadness about the past. Meditation brings us awareness of the present, of the details and the small joys of each minute, how we feel and each moment without judgment, only living each experience more deeply. Worrying about the future only distracts us from enjoying our relationships, situations and the blessings that life brings us in this day on the now moment. It leads us to emotional balance and with that gives us the freedom to clear our thoughts, leading us to a lighter and fuller life. Through Meditation it is possible to reconnect with your true self. We are a unique being with the Whole, with the source of Light, God.

Pure “Light”, pure “Energy” and pure “Unconditional Love”.

Herbs and Plants

We know about the healing concept of herbs and plants. Now I want to talk about how to use them in a shower. In Brazil this is a very common use. Into a bowl add the leaves and herbs you wish to use, add some warm water, and with your fingers crush it all together while asking that the power of the herbs and plants cleanse and balance your energy field. After your regular shower you can add some more warm water and pour over your head, back, chest, and arms. It is very restorative and energizing. Also, doing so aligns and cleanses your chakras. Different types of herbs can be recommended, each with its own specific instructions.


Incense brings relaxation and enhances our ability to be present. It increases the flow of energy into the body, helping to reenergize after a long day, improve focus for study, and aids in meditation.



Get in touch and schedule your session.

Online and in-person services in Vancouver B.C.

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Add a touch of magic to your event with Tarot Readings! Hire Lunisol for your events, parties, meetings, weddings and conferences.


Intuitive Tarot  |   Reiki  | Development of Intuition (self-knowledge)



“Sandra, you are an enlightened person, you have a special gift for reading cards. It was my first consultation with you and I was moved by the reading! You confirm the reading with other oracles and give us confidence in the answers! You were very precise, clear and objective. In addition to being very charismatic, docile, attentive, you give very assertive advice! Without me saying anything, you did a general consultation on my professional and got my situation right the first time! I was very happy to consult with you, and I will certainly be back!”


“Hi Sandra. I couldn’t help but thank you for the Reiki you did on me. It was a very good experience. I felt lighter, more energetic. My day flowed much better and I even had deliverances throughout the day. I believe that because my energies were focused on achievements and protections, the universe flowed. Thank you for the energies!! I can’t wait for the next Reiki. Everyone should do it to experience it.”


“I’m here to tell you that your tarot reading was very assertive. It brought me clarity on some points that I wasn’t seeing. It brought me calm to look at my goal from another angle. I was only looking at it from one side and your reading gave me several perspectives. I understand that in reading it is the energy of the choices at that moment, but it helped me change the energy and get out of the drama. Thank you Sandra, it was so beautiful.”


“Sandra is great! She is very intuitive, compassionate and carries a lot of wisdom. I highly recommend her!”




Information and scheduling



1125 Howe Street #915
Vancouver, B.C. – V6Z2K8