What is Tarot?

Tarot is an ancient wisdom that guides us to find our true purpose in life.

In our day-to-day life, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. That’s where Tarot comes in, helping us tap into our essence and remember who we truly are.

Expanding our consciousness to tap into our essence so we remember where we came from and who we are. Our emotional self, spiritual self, and mental self also need to find balance.


Intuitive Tarot is the powerful alignment of energies where the reader connects with the client’s higher self to deliver channeled messages.

It is about identifying blocks, fears and insecurities and gaining clarity on the path forward.


How does Intuitive Tarot work?


As a clairvoyant I use my oracles and cards to allow messages from the higher realms come to you.

My intention is to bring the most connected and elevated guidance possible.

Together, we’ll dive deep into your energy, uncovering past limitations and tapping into the near future, followed by questions. It is an hour and a half journey of love and compassion.


Why choose Tarot?

Tarot is dedicated to your growth and empowerment. By prioritizing yourself you’re committing to your own self-discovery and transformation.

By the end of a session, clients often walk away with fresh perspectives and a renewed sense of direction.

“Give the gift of tarot to yourself!”

Ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery with Tarot? Get in touch to book your session today!

With Gratitude,

Sandra Green