What is Past Life Regression?

It is a treatment for issues that have been identified and need to be cleared. It delves into the origins from childhood or past lives that influence us in the present moment.

How the past influences our lives?

By examining past life or inner child issues that cause pain, suffering and trauma, we realize what is truly influencing us now. Repeated patterns, lack of progress in life, sadness, fear, phobias, and insecurities can all be attached to influences from the past.

Once these resonances from the past are cleared and liberated, it allows us to see ourselves with kindness and as our true, pure essence.

Often, it’s about relationships with parents, children, and even friendships that get stuck.

What Past life Regression does?

Past life regression clears energetic fields, leading us to a lighter, more joyful present moment. It creates movement in life and opens up new opportunities.

How does Past Life Regression work?

In a hypnotic state, led by a specialized therapist, the person goes back to where the problems began and, with permission and compassion, breaks agreements. With the energy of forgiveness, they begin to dissolve cords and ropes, and the belief system starts to dissolve.

It is important to understand that this technique requires follow-up and integration. You shouldn’t do it out of curiosity. It’s important to be aware of the goal.

Discover the transformative power of Past Life Regression Therapy. By revisiting and healing past traumas, we can release anxiety, fear, and phobias, leading to a lighter, more fulfilling life

With Gratitude,

Sandra Green